
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 Dry lips remedy

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 

A dry lip is a common thing and everyone deals with that not only girls but boys are also dealing with this. Dry and torn lips can be without any warning and since winter is coming, you need to take special care of your lips. Due to smoking, lip licking, dehydration, pollution, and excessive sun exposure and using chemical lipstick/lip balm, there may be dried lips Treating dry lips is very important because if left untreated it can further worsen the condition. You can try these easy home remedies which are far too effective.

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 Dry lips remedy

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 Dry Lips Remedy

The Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 is some kind of treatment and remedies which actually work for making lips soft and gives them natural color:

1. Boroplus :

Its the product which works absolutely best as the product claim that this is antiseptic which will help to treat the dry lips and make that soft and supple. apply the boroplus on dry lips and let it be there for 2-3 hours or overnight and then slowly scrub with a toothbrush and you can visibly see the difference instantly and lips also feel blessed.

2. Boroline:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 remedy for lips

 This is also an affordable product which works great on lips you can apply this anytime whenever you want and it also works the same way boroplus did.

3. Lip scrub: 

Scrubbing your lips is the most important thing and there is various kind of scrub available in the market or homemade scrub also work well. Homemade scrub such as a mixture of coconut oil honey and lemon work absolutely good.

4. Coconut oil:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

Coconut oil is also very good to treat dry, torn and torn lips. Apply a small quantity of oil on your lips 3-4 times daily in order to get a smooth lip. It will soften your lips and give moisture.

5. Almond oil:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 dry lips remedy

 Almond oil which treat the lip in various ways like lighten the lips and making them soft and which automatically cure the dry lips.

7. Drinking  water:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

Hydration of the body is a very important thing and if the body is hydrated lips also fill good and that nourish your lips. Drinking water is the most essential part of dry lip treatment.

8. Honey:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

The anti-bacterial and wound-healing properties are very good in treatment. Honey will keep your lips nourished and will make them smoothly smooth. Just apply a drop on your lips daily for 15 minutes.

9. Ghee:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 remedy for lips

Ghee will moisten the moist lips completely and make your lips smooth like rose petals. Just take some lukewarm ghee or butter and put it on your lips before sleeping. You will get up with smooth moisturized lips.

10. Vaseline:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 remedy for lips

 Vaseline jelly works between a sealing barrier between cells, which stops in moisture and prevents the natural recovery of your lips from drying, which helps in fixing it from within.

11. Avoid smoking:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

Smoking bad for health and as well as for lips. Smoking turns your lips to dry and make them kind of blank in color.

12. Avoid lip licking:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 | 20 remedy for lips

some of us have the habit of lip licking that should be avoided because that makes lips become dry and chapped.

13. Tack care while selecting lipstick:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

So many different kinds of lipsticks are there in the market matt or super matt which also make lips dry and dehydrate the lips.

14. Cucumber:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

 Cucumber juice is also effective for the treatment of torn lips. Just apply cucumber juice or just rub a piece on your lips. Stay as long as you can and see soft lips immediately. This remedy will keep your lips moist.

15. Vitamin E :

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

Vitamin E bullets are very effective and are the best remedy to immediately treat dry lips. You can use easily available Vitamin E bullets in the market and can remove the gel from it. Put it before bedtime and keep it overnight.

16. Mustard oil:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

I know that this may seem strange to many people but it is actually a very effective solution to help dry lips. For the treatment of dried torn lips, add mustard oil in small quantities in your naval. This is one of the famous old time remedies.

17. Apply oil on navel: 

Apply coconut or mustard oil in your novel and let it be overnight and do 2-3 times in a day. this will automatically cure your lips which actually works.

18. Castor oil:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

 Castor oil is heavy oil because it is rich in moisturizing properties. For the treatment of dry, flaky and torn lips, you can apply some drops of castor oil for 10 minutes daily.

19. Glycerin: 

Glycerin has moisturizing properties so it can be very beneficial to apply two drops before going to bed. This will heal the rude lips and fill moisture in them.

20. Aloe Vera:

Dry Lips Treatment for 2019 |  20 Dry lips remedy

 Aloe Vera juice has the power to repair dry torn lips. Just take out the fresh aloe vera juice and apply it 2-3 times a day to fix dry lipped lips.

Dry lips treatment for 2019 | 20 Dry lips remedy

Conclusion: Dry lips treatment for 2019 these are all the effective way in my point of view and also in your budget. Try this treatment and fill free to comment.

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